Siddharth Desai

Siddharth initially shared office premises with TDA while working independently as Praxis Software Systems.

As TDA’s business grew, he setup it’s accounts (computerised) and office administration. Later he joined TDA full-time and took the role of Systems Network &  Administrator till date.

His versatility is evident from the following information:
After graduating from VJTI as a Mechanical Engineer and working as one for two years, he migrated to being Software Professional, after completing a course at NIIT.

He worked for Mastek Ltd. for over 3 years being awarded best “Mastekeer” wherein he did multiple projects and grew from programmer to project-leader.

As a software firm, Praxis developed & implemented a generalised package for MNCs and created many customised projects in varied arenas such as Cost Accounting, Logistics, etc. along with creating websites.

He is the voice of logic and reason amidst creative minds.